Start your search

The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub connects healthcare staff and learners to high quality, NHS-funded, knowledge and evidence resources in one place, using a single search.
The ‘Hub’
- includes all journal articles, e-books, guidelines and evidence summary tools provided nationally and by your local NHS library team
- provides seamless access to full text, as an immediate download or on request from an NHS library
- avoids the less-reliable sources you might find in a general web search.
Where do I start?
Your free NHS OpenAthens account is your key to unlocking digital knowledge resources. If you need help to register or renew your account watch our short video.
Help and contact
For help or to contact us about the hub or getting access, speak to your local library team or go to our support desk!
Easier access to e-journals
For seamless links, where you want them, install LibKey Nomad on your PC or laptop. Choose your library (or type NHS England) and find your links in PubMed, Google Scholar and many other sites. Or use BrowZine to browse and read the journals you have access to.
Need an in-depth search?
The Hub is designed to support quick access to evidence (including rapid answers from BMJ Best Practice). When you need to carry out a more thorough evidence search, such as a literature review, explore our resources for advanced searching. Guidance and e-learning is available along with expert support from your local NHS knowledge and library service.
For tips on how to use the Knowledge and Library Hub see our Frequently Asked Questions.