Our Publications
We are keen to share our experience of delivering Knowledge for Healthcare. You can see a selection of our work below:
Day A and Goswami L (2020) Driving change with evidence and knowledge: Transforming knowledge services for the NHS across England. Business Information Review Volume 37, Issue 1 https://doi.org/10.1177/0266382120909240
Hopkins E (2017) Knowledge management in healthcare libraries: the current picture. Health Information and Libraries Journal 34: 103–105 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/hir.12183
Lacey Bryant, S et al. (2018) Forward view: advancing health library and knowledge services in England. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 35, 4, (348-351) https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/hir.12206
CILIP. How #AMillionDecisions is winning NHS support. Information professional. July-Aug 2018: 6. Available from: https://content.yudu.com/libraryHtml/A43w3d/InformationProfessio/reader.html?refid=1037274&refUrl=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.cilip.org.uk%252Fpage%252FIP_Archive_2018
Lacey Bryant, S., Bingham, H., Carlyle, R., Day, A., Ferguson, L., and Stewart, D. Forward view: advancing health library and knowledge services in England. Health Information & Libraries Journal. 2018; 35(1): 70-77. Available from: doi:10.1111/hir.12206
Lacey Bryant, S., and Stewart, D. Knowledge for Healthcare: Reviewing progress on workforce development. Information Professional. Aug-Sept 2020: 38-41. Available from: https://www.cilip.org.uk/page/IP_Archive_2020
Lacey Bryant, S. NHS Library and Knowledge Services in England Policy. Available from: https://hee.nhs.uk/our-work/research-learning-innovation/healthcare-library-knowledge-services/our-policy [Accessed 6th October 2020].
Lacey Bryant, S., Stewart, D., Goswami, L., and Grant, M. J. Becoming business critical: Knowledge for Healthcare. Health Information & Libraries Journal. 2016; 33(3): 167–171. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12155
Lacey Bryant, S., Stewart, D., Goswami, L., and Grant, M. J. Knowledge for healthcare: the future of health librarianship. Health Information & Libraries Journal. 2015; 32(3): 163-167. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12119
Lacey Bryant, S. et al. Knowledge for Healthcare: a development framework for NHS library and knowledge services in England 2015 – 2020. Health Education England. 2014. Available from: https://kfh.libraryservices.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Knowledge_for_healthcare_a_development_framework_2014.pdf [Accessed 6th October 2020].
Stewart, D., Lacey Bryant, S., Edwards, C. and Gilroy, G. Introduction: Good practice in NHS-funded library and knowledge services. Library and Information Research. 2020; 43(127): 1-5. Available from: https://doi.org/10.29173/lirg822
Gilroy, D., Ayre, S., Brettle, A., Knock, D., Mitchemore, R., Pattison, S., Smith, S., and Turner, J. Developing a generic tool to routinely measure the impact of health libraries. Health Information & Libraries Journal. 2018; 35(3): 227-245. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1111/hir.12223
Lacey Bryant, S., and Stewart, D. Knowledge for Healthcare: developing an appropriately skilled library and knowledge services workforce. Information Professional. June-July 2020: 38-41. Available from: https://content.yudu.com/libraryHtml/A44084/InformationProfessio/reader.html?refid=1037274&refUrl=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.cilip.org.uk%252Fpage%252FIP_Archive_2020&page=4
Stewart, D., and Lacey Bryant, S. Knowledge for Healthcare: taking an integrated approach to workforce planning and development”. Information Professional. April-May 2020: 34-37. Available from: https://content.yudu.com/libraryHtml/A43xfb/InformationProfessio/reader.html?refid=1037274&refUrl=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.cilip.org.uk%252Fpage%252FIP_Archive_2020
Lacey Bryant, S., and Stewart, D. Empowering healthcare librarians to anticipate and adapt. CILIP Update. May 2017: 34-36. Available from: https://cilip.pagelizard.co.uk/webviewer/#cilipupdatemay2017
Lacey Bryant, S., and Stewart, D. Developing leaders in health knowledge and library services: the Knowledge for Healthcare experience in England. In. Proceedings of the 15th EAHIL Conference 06-11 June 2016, Seville, Spain.
Lacey Bryant, S., Stewart, D., and Young, G. Knowledge for Healthcare – Workforce Planning and Development. CILIP Update. December/January 2015/16: 33-35. Available from: https://cilip.pagelizard.co.uk/webviewer/#cilipupdatedecjan201617
Health Education England. The Topol Review: Preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future Interim Report. June 2018. Available from: https://www.hee.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/documents/Topol%20Review%20interim%20report_0.pdf
Lacey Bryant, S., Spring, M., and Bingham, H. Prescribing cannabis-based drugs: response from NICE and Health Education England. BMJ.2018; 363(k4940). Available from: https://www.bmj.com/content/363/bmj.k4940/article-info [Accessed 6th October 2020].
NHS. The Topol Review: preparing the healthcare workforce to deliver the digital future – an independent report on behalf of the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. February 2019. Available from: https://topol.hee.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/HEE-Topol-Review-2019.pdf [Accessed on 6th October 2020].
Young, G., McClaren, L., and Maden, M. Delivering a MOOC for literature searching in health libraries: evaluation of a pilot project. Health Information &Libraries Journal. 2017; 34(4): 312-318. Available from: DOI: 10.1111/hir.12197